By-Law 1: NAME
name of the Corporation shall be the Ocean County School Nurses Association, Inc., a New Jersey non-profit corporation, hereinafter
referred to as the Association or OCSNA.
The specific objectives for which the Association is organized are as follows:
a. To Promote high standards of professional school nursing practice and school health services, and to encourage professional
competence, advancement and leadership through the education of the members.
b. To operate on a non-profit basis.
c. To provide at least one (1) annual scholarship to a RN going for his/her certificate or a member going for his/her Masters/Advanced
degree in school nursing or a related health field.
d. To maintain an organized center of professional cooperation for
school nursing in Ocean County, New Jersey.
By-Law 3:
Membership in the Association shall be in
the following categories:
Sec.1. Regular: All members in this classification shall possess a
license to practice as a registered professional nurse in the State of New Jersey and have a current New Jersey School Nurse
Certificate. They must be employed as a Public School Board of Education of Ocean County as a school nurse or school nurse
supervisor. Upon request from the Association the members shall be able to provide his/her certificate for viewing by
a member of the executive board. Certification shall be waived for nurses grand fathered under the certification law prior
to 1977. Regular membership shall be continuous until the member retires, fails to pay dues annually or is no longer
employed as a school nurse. Regular membership shall have full privileges including voting, holding office and chairing or
serving on committees.
Sec.2. Associate: School nurses not presently certified shall
be eligible for Associate membership provided they are:
a. Engaged in school health services employed by other
than a Public School Board of Education, or
b. Former Regular members no longer eligible for Regular membership
c. Employed as a certified or non-certified, part-time or substitute school nurse, or
d. Nurses matriculated
in a college or university program leading to permanent New Jersey School Nurse Certificate
e. Unemployed New Jersey
Certified School Nurses
f. Those persons who hold certification other than a New Jersey School Nurse Certification.
Associate members shall enjoy the privileges of the Association, but shall not be eligible to vote, hold office, or chair
a committee. Annual dues shall be prorated amount specified for Regular members.
Sec. 3. Retired:
Members upon retirement shall be eligible for Retired membership. Retired members shall enjoy the privileges of the Association,
but shall not be eligible to vote, hold office, or chair a committee. Annual dues shall be a prorated amount specified for
Regular members.
Sec. 1. The governing body of the Association shall consist
of the officers of the Association and chairpersons of standing and special committees. This shall be known as the Executive
Board. The immediate past president shall be entitled to a seat on the Executive Board as long as she/he meets all the
requirements of Regular membership of the Association.
Sec 2. The Executive Board shall transact
all business of the Association between regular meetings, and shall perform other duties as specified in the By-Laws.
Absence without cause from two consecutive meetings shall constitute a resignation. Such vacancies shall be filled by the
Executive Board until the next election.
By-Law 5:
Dues are to be paid prior to the first of October
in the current school year Failure to pay current dues within thirty (30) days of the date of first will result
in termination of membership.
Sec. 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of
the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Sec. 2. The President shall be the official
representative of the Association, preside over meetings, and serve as ex-officio member of all standing and special committees.
The President shall appoint chairpersons of all standing and special committees for the period of his/her term of office.
The President shall countersign, with the Treasurer, all checks and contracts. The President shall be a member of the
State and National School Nurses Association and have the dues for these associations paid for by the Association.
3. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President, perform such duties
that may be required or assigned by the President, and be appointed chairperson of the Nominating Committee. In the
event the President is unable to complete his/her term of office, the Vice President shall assume the office of President
Sec.4. The Secretary shall record and file the minutes and reports of the general and executive board
meeting and be the custodian of all the records of the Association, including a current membership list. The Secretary
shall be responsible for all the official correspondence of the Association and maintain official files of all correspondence.
Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Association, receive all dues and revenue,
maintain a checking account in a band designated by the Executive Board, deposit all moneys received in said account, sign
checks together with the President, submit an annual budget, pay all bills authorized for payment by the Executive Board and
keep an updated membership list in conjunction with the Secretary.
Sec. 1. Standing
Committees: Standing committees shall be known as Legislative, Membership/ Dinner, Program and Newsletter/Website. Each
committee shall consist of a chairperson and committee members.
a. Legislative: Shall keep the
members informed of all legislation pertaining to school and school personnel, and shall contact legislators urging actions
compatible to the interests of the Association and the promotion of improved professional practices.
b. Membership/Dinner: Shall encourage all school nurses in
the county to become members of the Association, review all initial applications for membership and verify certification.
Provide all members of the Executive Board with current membership list. Promote good public relations whenever and wherever
it is feasible in the interest of the Association. Shall be responsible to select a centrally located place to have all meetings.
Correspond with companies that school nurses use and invite to general meetings. Make publications for all meetings coordinating
with the Program chairperson.
c. Program: Shall
plan and coordinate the programs for all meetings, workshops and dinners in coordination with the executive officers and Membership/Dinner
d. Newsletter/Website: Shall be responsible for writing and posting information and upcoming
meetings, conferences, and membership applications on the Association website Provide updates on legislation, current news
and information links for all members.
Sec. 2. Special Committees: Special committees, with the exception
of the Nominating Committee, may be created as needed by the Executive Board. Each Committee shall consist of a chairperson
and committee members.
a. Nominating: Shall consist of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum
of five (5) members who shall be appointed by the President at the October meeting of the general membership. The Vice President
shall be the chairperson of this committee. This committee will present a slate of candidates at the annual meeting of the
Association qualified to fill each office, and who have consented to serve, if elected.
b. Scholarship:
The Association shall award one (1) scholarship to a New Jersey State registered professional nurse, and is attending
a college or university to obtain his/her certificate, or is a certified school nurse attending a college or university to
obtain a Masters/Advanced Degree in school nursing or a related health field and who works or lives in Ocean County. The amount of the award will be determined by the previous year’s balance or will be 15% or $500
and not to exceed $500. Recipients of OCSNA scholarships may not receive the award more than twice. Applications
for the scholarship will be posted on the Association’s website or can be requested from the chairperson. Applicants
must be members of the OCSNA association either Regular or Associate members. Scholarship applications are due to the Scholarship
chair no later than April 15th of the current school.
c. By-Laws:
Shall be reviewed every five (5) years and proposed amendments to the Executive Board for consideration to present same at
a general membership meeting for discussions as set forth in By-Law11.
Sec.1. The general membership
meetings of the Association shall be held on the third Wednesday of October and May at a central location selected by the
Dinner chairperson. The date may be changed by an Executive Board vote.
Sec. 2. The general membership
meeting in May shall be known as the annual meeting and shall for purpose of electing and installing officers, receiving reports
of officers and committee chairs, awarding of annual scholarship (s), and annual Treasurers report.
Sec. 3.
Special meetings may be called upon the recommendation of the Executive Board.
Sec. 4. Regular meetings
of the Executive Board shall be held at the discretion of the President prior to any general meeting.
Sec. 5.
The re-organizational meeting of the Executive Board shall be held before the October meeting.
Sec. 6.
Three members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. 1. The
elected officers shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
Sec. 2.
All officers shall be elected by vote at the annual meeting of the general membership in May if an election year
3. All officers shall be elected to serve for a term of three (3) years, unless the position is going to be vacant.
Then the officer holding the position, may serve an additional term.
Sec. 4. In the event of a resignation
or removal of an officer, the Executive Board shall appoint a successor until the next election. In the event the President
is unable to complete his/her term of office, the Vice President shall complete the balance of the unexpired term as set forth
in By-Law 6.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order,
Newly Revised, shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent
with these By-Laws and any special rules of order of the Association may adopt.
Sec. 1. Any regular members of the Association may propose amendments to the By-Laws.
Sec. 2.
All proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board for consideration to present to
the general membership meeting for discussion. Any proposed
amendments to the By-Laws presented by the Executive Board shall be scheduled for a vote at the next general membership meeting.
Sec. 3. When a proposed amendment to the By-Laws is scheduled for a vote, the vote of approval
of two-thirds of the members present and eligible to vote shall be required to approve any proposed amendments.
4. These By-Laws shall be reviewed and updated as needed.
Revised: Sept 2007, May 1997
May 2014